Contact Us

Contact Us

Do you have a query about Wainwright’s Pennine Journey? Have you walked the route and want to let us know of any problems? Do you wish to become further involved with the PJSC? Have you found an issue with the website?

Whatever your query one of our team should be able to help. Below are contact details for you to use to contact the relevant PJSC volunteer but if you cannot decide who to direct your query to then simply use the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Chairman: David Pitt –
Membership Secretary: Heather Leach –
Publicity Officer/Social Media: Richard Aylwin & Nick
Treasurer: Catherine McDonnell
Route Coordinator:  Jill King
Accommodation Register: Jill King –
Website: Dik Stoddart

Contact Form

"I enjoy a mist; it hides you so completely. If it is a mist on a mountain top, there is not a person in the world to witness your actions; you are as alone as the first man on earth."

Pennine Journey logo

thank you for

We will respond to your message as soon as we can. In the meantime, why not browse more of the site and plan your perfect Pennine Journey walk?