Journeyer Claire Edwards

Journeyer Claire Edwards

Report by: Claire Edwards
Walk Date: June 2018 / June 2019

A small group of 12 from Cardiff Ramblers walked this wonderful varied journey.

East side: 5th June – 14th June 2018 from Settle to Housesteads
Mainly sunny weather – memorable wildflowers with so much colour, many bird sightings, remote moors, waterfalls and rivers, villages and areas of historic interest – the final 15 miles from Hexham to Housesteads when Storm Hector blew!

West side: 26th May – 4th June 2019 from Housesteads to Settle
Often overcast, some rain off and on but clear views especially over Cross Fell and Whernside. Final 4 miles rain so rather a soggy but very happy group of walkers photographed at Settle station on completion of this magnificent walk..

Our leader, Roma, has organised an annual backtrack trek in all countries of the UK for numerous years with a varying group of walkers. In the past youth hostels were often used but in recent years we use a variety of accommodation with local train/bus/minibuses to access the start and end of the walk when the accommodation is far from the route.

I have done about 12 with Roma and hope to continue even though now 75 – as long as I can manage my compact load for the trek, long may I continue. To travel by foot through any area is such an adventure as one will always recall memorable times for ever. Having walked A Dales Highway and the Cleveland Way I begin to know and appreciate more of this magnificent area and extol its impact to others.

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