Distance: 17.25 miles
Ascent: 2,966 ft
Highest Point: 1,841 ft
Going: Moderate with one steep climb
Map: OS Explorer OL30
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Now the ‘journey’ is getting into its stride. This stage involves going from Wharfedale to Bishopdale and to Raydale, then over Wensleydale before arriving in Swaledale. It starts with the gentle ascent of Buckden Rake below Buckden Pike and continues over Stake Moss on a magnificent green lane to Stalling Busk. A delightful walk by Semer Water and the River Bain leads to Bainbridge with its huge village green with medieval stocks in its centre. Across the River Ure the route soon enters Askrigg and then there is a climb, steep in parts, on the road to Swaledale. At Askrigg Common the route forks right on a barely metalled road to meet the valley road which is followed to Gunnerside.