Distance: 15.75 miles
Ascent: 2,306 ft
Highest Point: 1,991 ft
Going: Moderate with one steep climb
Map: OS Explorer OL31
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The journey continues with a memorable 8 mile walk along the River Tees – still on the Pennine Way. Just after passing Wych Bridge, the first ever suspension bridge, is Low Force and 1½ miles further on is High Force where the river falls dramatically 70 feet. There is, however, a blot on the landscape on this section in the form of a huge quarry on the opposite bank before the river twists and turns as it approaches the confluence with Langdon Beck.
Shortly the path leaves the well-signed Pennine Way as it continues its journey northwards. Soon there is a section where a good sense of direction is needed as the route heads across bleak boggy moorland for Swinhope Head. From here there is a long stretch of road walking with a gradual descent into Weardale and the end of the stage in Westgate.